Here's the cover, not the long version.

I worked for the past three days waitressing at a restaurant close to my home. My summer job - I love it too! My feet - not so much. Hey I can live with it! It will be closed again September first. I really wanted this book uploaded a while back but that's fine. It's done before the book tour with Megan for the first week in June. Now I can sigh with relief!
And a few more chapters, maybe three, to finish my newest novel, White Magic.Another check.
The Arthur and Zita book is coming along wonderfully! I need to work on a couple of puzzles for the back of the book. More learning and fun for the kids!
And here's the cover! Unbelievable, isn't it!

So excited to show this book off! I absolutely love the artwork! Everyone will! You just have to! It is awesome! (get it - the 'a' word awesome!) Well, you'll get it after you read the book.I can't wait to finish the entire series, even though I do get tired thinking about the work that will take. But it is work I love doing.
It will get done.
Now, since I've spent the morning doing the fun stuff - like getting my book uploaded - woo hoo! I need to get the unfun stuff done.
I'm coming I'm coming!
Hear that?
That's my laundry calling......
Hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day and have a great week too!
Bye for now!